Integrated Marketing

January 25, 2023

What is Integrated Marketing? Why is it important?  

Integrated Marketing is a strategy that consists of delivering the same message to your customers amongst many different channels.  Some of these avenues include: website, social media, trade shows/events, print ads, newsletters, email marketing, and radio/TV commercials.

As you can see, marketing strategies vary from digital to physical ads. Each of these avenues can stand alone, but when they're used together, they are even more powerful in driving customer retention and relationships.

Keep in mind, the way you deliver your message may differ for each platform, but it is essential that your message still remains the same.  Through Integrated Marketing, you will need to effectively lead your customers from one platform to another in a cohesive manner.

Having a website is the rock on which you build your company.  You need to have a platform that you are sending your customers to.  Whether it’s a product or service you are providing, your customers will need somewhere to receive more information.  Websites are also a great way to educate your customers on the what, why, and how of your service and company.  A website is often the landing point for most call to actions within a marketing strategy.

Digital platforms, like social media, newsletter/email marketing, and radio/TV commercials are extremely helpful in reaching prospective customers that are out of your reach.  Digitally, you can reach anybody, anywhere, at any time.  This makes it a powerful marketing tool when it comes to gaining new customers, increasing company exposure, and creating relationships with existing customers.  When integrating these platforms into your marketing strategy, don’t be afraid to get personal! Social Media, Emails, and Radio/TV are all related by the fact that they meet the customer where they their day-to-day life.  That being said, it is best to let your company’s personality shine through! Don’t be afraid to get funny (puns preferred!), share personal stories/photos, and engage with your customers on these platforms.  The more personal you are, the more real and authentic you seem...and that is attractive to people!

So, how do you switch from a digital platform to physical / in-person strategies like trade shows/events and print ads?  

While we are living in a digital age, physical marketing can still be effective when it’s done right.  People tend to remember the physical ads they see more than digital ones because they are few and far between.  Physical marketing is also effective at getting your message across in a more direct and formal way.  Print Ads are used mostly as a way to increase brand awareness in the community and create a call to action.  Attending trade shows and events are also useful for gaining brand exposure and driving engagement with consumers.  We are people driven by community and communication.  Being physically present at events is beneficial for your company to show who you are and explain to people what you offer.  People are often apt to listen when you can show them why they may need your product/service and feel a personal connection to your company.

Through Integrated Marketing, you can use each of these platforms to build brand awareness and cultivate more a more personal relationship with consumers.  The more communication you share with consumers, the more likely you are to see retention and brand loyalty from customers.  Integrated Marketing is crucial if you want to expand your audience and meet your marketing goals.

Reach out today to get started!

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